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Lids4Lend takes the hassle out of hatch refurbishment...

Rowland Smith

Updated: Dec 30, 2020

The new Lids4Lend service from Eagle Boat Windows is now available to customers contemplating a hatch refurbishment. We thought long and hard about how we could make the decision to refurbish a hatch easier by taking away some of the hassles like;

  • How do I pack and ship my hatch?

  • How can I make sure the boat stays secure, safe and watertight while my hatch is away?

  • How can I minimise the shipping costs whilst reducing the risk of damage in transit?

  • How can I make sure I'm covered if it gets lost?

  • How can I carry on using my boat while my hatch is away?

Lids4Lend supports three service levels, Bronze, Silver and Gold.

For all, you get a secure double layer cardboard 'pizza style' box, custom fitted for your hatch. You also get a fixed price for insured shipping back and forth to us via UPS.

  • Bronze gets you shipping, insurance and a custom box.

  • Silver adds a temporary lid, created from repurposed Lifeboat windows in tough polycarbonate, which is safe, secure, watertight and easy to install. Suitable for offshore use it doesn't hold you back from sailing if you're happy for the lid to stay closed.

  • Gold takes Bronze, but instead of a temporary lid gives you an actual hatch lid for the same model and size meaning you'll hardly notice while yours is away having a re-model.

For shipping we pre-book the returns from you, placing the self-adhesive return label in the box for you to attach when ready. You receive the box by collecting from a designated UPS access point, when convenient for you (you will receive email or SMS notification - we need a mobile number for the latter). Similarly to return to us you just put the label on the outside and drop off the box at any UPS access point, again, when it suits you.

Could it be easier?

Shipping costs range from £40-50, but this includes four transfers, insurance and the custom box (so normally £10 each way insured). Loan fees range from a modest £10 for the lifeboat lids through to £15 for the actual hatch lids.

Initially we have some Lewmar Ocean, Rollstop and Superhatch lids for loan, but will add to this over time. Our initial focus is on Lewmar, but again this may broaden over time. If you have any old lids suitable to loan we'd love to hear from you.

So what are you waiting for, call today and reserve your lids!

Please see the page link on the main menu for further details.

Please note this service is only intended for use within the UK. For International shipping costs will be significantly higher.

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