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Lewmar Opening Portlights - Old, New and Versions

Rowland Smith

Updated: Aug 27, 2024

There are two types of 'Standard' portlight, with the catchy titles of 'Old Standard' (OS) and 'New Standard' (NS). New Standard superseded the old style in the latter part of 1997 and they can be identified by the type of window latch, twist on OS and vertical cam on NS.

A quick note on replacement acrylics

Eagle can supply replacements for all sizes (including custom) of Old Standard portlight acrylics for the simple reason that the hinge/latch fixings bolt through the lens. On the New Standard (NS) acrylics the hinge/latch fixings are bonded on. For NS ports in catalogue sizes, Lewmar can supply Mk3 acrylics or Mk3 replacement ports. The Mk3 acrylics come with new mounts to facilitate fitment to Mk2 ports, but are not a simple fit for Mk1 ports.

Lewmar has authorised us to manufacture acrylic replacements for Custom NS ports and we now have solutions in place which cover all versions (Mk1-Mk3). We are not authorised to manufacture replacements for catalogue size units though, so if you have these the only authorised solution is a new port, which we can order direct from Lewmar on your behalf.

Whats available as spares?

There are three versions, designated Mk1, Mk2 and Mk3. From 1997 to June 2000 the New Standard portlight was made with hinges and handle catches fixed to the outer frame with a pressing/staking process. These are the Mk 1 portlights.

Note that the hinge mount shows as a solid piece of alloy in the picture above. This is an easy way to spot Mk1 as the later versions featured a plastic insert within this mount. So when looking at the hinge, Mk1 is plastic-alloy-plastic from left to right, where as Mk2/3 is plastic-alloy-plastic-alloy-plastic.

In June 2000 the portlight was changed to use (M5) screw on catches and hinges. These are the Mk 2 models. The hinges sometimes have packers under them to control the seal compression. The hinge pins in these Mk 2 versions were 4mm (M4) diameter.

Note that some builders pre-ordered stock so it's possible to find Mk1 units on boats built after 2000. Note the plastic-alloy-plastic-alloy-plastic nature of the hinge in the right hand photo above (compared to plastic-alloy-plastic of the Mk1).

In 2007/8, the Mk 2 was further modified to have a 5mm (M5) hinge pin, which is the current Mk3.

Whats available as spares?

Firstly we need to distinguish between 'standard' and 'custom' New Standard units. The former are catalogue items, where as the latter were bespoke sizes custom made for builders such as Hallberg Rassy, Najad, Dufour etc etc. Knowing which you have can be difficult so let's come back to this later.

'Standard' New Standard Spares

If you have screwed hinges and catches with M4 or M5 fastenings you need to purchase the Mk 3 Acrylic spare. This will come with the hinge/catch plates bonded to the acrylic as well as a kit of other parts. Quite a bundle.

If you have M4 fastenings you will need to use the supplied replacement hinge kit to swap out the M4 hinges on your existing frame in order to fit the new acrylic. Note that if you have a Bavaria acrylic with M4 fixings you will need to purchase the kit separately as they are not supplied.

If you have Mk1 units, you can use Mk3 acrylics but these may not be a perfect fit, as officially Lewmar views Mk1 as obsolete. You (or we) will also need to drill out the M4 hinge mounts to accommodate the M5 hinge pins. I suggest you speak with us to discuss options.

'Custom' New Standard Spares

If your boat has windows where the acrylic is mounted in a moving alloy frame you don't have New Standard portlights, even though the latches may look very similar. These will be Atlantic or (if Hallberg Rassy) Astar models, which we can refurbish.

If your portlights are custom New Standard portlights of the Mk 1, Mk2 or Mk3 design the news is now much better in that we can now manufacture new acrylics in-house.

These are custom made by us as individual units and are therefore more expensive than equivalent catalogue units from Lewmar; typically 50% more. Mk1 also need the hinge mounts drilling (to M5) which adds cost. Similarly Mk2 units need extra mounts...

The good news is that Lewmar authorises us to manufacture these and supplies us with the necessary hinge/catch mouldings and mounts. We are the only company worldwide to have this capability/permission.

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