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Engineers wedges and why you need some...

Rowland Smith

Occasionally one comes across a tool you can't be without. In our world this includes engineers wedges.

To be honest we had these before I knew what they were, courtesy of my Grandfather who I inherited two from (as shown to right). An engineers wedge is a very fine, shallow wedge, probably ideally in hardened steel as my two are. They have a very fine point which means they only need the slightest crack to get in an lift a surface. Very useful when prying a frame from GRP or separating sections of a frame (though be careful as this may compress/bend the alloy).

You can buy metal engineers wedges, at considerable expense, and you may consider this a worth investment for such a damned useful tool. Alternatively if looking for a cheaper single use(ish) version we have sourced some hard plastic versions which for a few shekels we will sell you. These are the blue ones seen below and used by me when removing the Gebo window on my Halmatic 30 (see photos below).

They come in two sizes - Small and Large(r). Small are £2.20 ea and Large are £3.00 ea, both plus VAT and shipping (though as very light we send by Royal Mail which can be less than £2.00).

When we finally get a web shop you'be be able to order online , but for now you need to contact me (as I get lonely too).

The Large are ~80 x 40mm (10mm thick max) and the Small are ~60 x 30mm (8mm thick max). Note that some of the ones below have been used and are slightly damaged (still useable though).

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