Removing Lewmar Rollstop/Superhatch hatches for refurbishmentI get asked this on a regular basis so I thought it time to summarise our thoughts.... Ideally we only need the lid as it's this part of...
Custom vs Catalogue Units - to hell or back?This is a huge topic which may well dictate whether refurbishment is easy or impossible so pay attention! I'm really targeting this at...
Lewmar Portlight Range IdentificationWith hatches done, it's time to turn our attention to the various Lewmar portlight models. In terms of design the catalogue variants are:...
Lewmar Acrylic codes - evolution and comprehensionAll Lewmar Hatches and Portlights (except old Standard) produced since October 1997 have had identification information heat stamped on...
Lewmar Old Standard Openers - known leaksThe following was prepared by Lewmar in 2008 to address known issues with the original Old Standard Opening Portlight. The Old Standard...
Lewmar Opening Portlights - Old, New and VersionsIf you have Lewmar New Standard opening portlights we discuss whether spare acrylics are likely to be available
Lewmar Opening Portlight Identification - Not so easy!Don't rely on what's stamped on the acrylic to identify a portlight model. Instead, frame construction gives a more reliable guide.
Replacing a pane in Lewmar Old-Standard OpenerReplacing the panes in some Lewmar old-standard opening ports